Getting Started
Download and Run
Download the
latest release binaries
.Extract the files to any folder, and run
.At the start page, click New… and create a new project.
Edit the project files with your favorite code editor, save to automatically re-compile the shader and see the results.
The main features can be accessed from the viewport menu (right click on the viewport).
The viewer can be transformed (scale and pan) with the following inputs:
- Scale
Hold Middle Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button or Ctrl to scale.
Scale up/down with
Right Mouse Button + Mouse Scroll Up/Down.
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down.
Ctrl + + -.
Hold Shift while scaling to change scale speed / factor.
Reset scale with Ctrl + 0
- Pan (when scaled)
Drag Middle Mouse Button to pan.
Hold Shift to change pan speed.
Hold Alt to snap to pixel size.
Note that UI elements can also be scaled in a similar way.